

PsycAssist: A Web-Based Artificial Intelligence System Designed for Adaptive Neuropsychological Assessment and Training

de Chiusole, D., Spinoso, M., Anselmi, P., Bacherini, A., Balboni, G., Mazzoni, N., Brancaccio, A., Epifania, O.M., Orsoni, M., Giovagnoli, S., et al.

Brain Sci. 2024, 14, 122

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Preliminary evidence on machine learning approaches for clusterizing students' cognitive profile

Orsoni, M., Giovagnoli, S., Garofalo, S., Magri, S., Benvenuti, M., Mazzoni, E., & Benassi, M.

Heliyon, 9(3), e14506 (2023)

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Recommending Mathematical Tasks Based on Reinforcement Learning and Item Response Theory

Orsoni, M., Pögelt, A., Duong-Trung, N., Benassi, M., Kravcik, M., Grüttmüller, M.

Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13891. Springer, Cham. (2023)

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Artificial intelligence and human behavioral development: A perspective on new skills and competences acquisition for the educational context

Benvenuti, M., Cangelosi, A., Weinberger, A., Mazzoni, E., Benassi, M., Barbaresi, M., & Orsoni, M.

Computers in Human Behavior, 148, 107903 (2023)

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Learning Landscape in Gamification: The Need for a Methodological Protocol in Research Applications

Orsoni, M., Dubé, A., Prandi, C., Giovagnoli, S., Benassi, M., Mazzoni, E., & Benvenuti, M.

Perspectives on Psychological Science, 0(0) (2023)

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Articulatory suppression delays processing of abstract words: The role of inner speech

Fini, C., Zannino, G. D., Orsoni, M., Carlesimo, G. A., Benassi, M., & Borghi, A. M.

Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 75(7), 1343-1354 (2022)

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Abstract and concrete concepts in conversation

Villani, C., Orsoni, M., Lugli, L., Benassi, M., & Borghi, A. M.

Scientific Reports, 12(1), 17572 (2022)

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Interaction effect: Are you doing the right thing?

Garofalo S., Giovagnoli S., Orsoni M., Starita F., Benassi M

PLOS ONE 17(7): e0271668 (2022)

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